26 May 2006

England World Cup Riddle

After England's performance this morning against ten man Belarus, injured Rovers star Chris Riddle has offered to come out of international retirement to play in Germany. "I know the New Zealand Government has a travel advisory out recommending against travelling to Germany" said Riddle "but frankly I could do a better job than the England strike force hobbling on one leg".

Rovers Manager Steve Hall supported Riddle "I know the lad is injured and can barely walk, but I think Chris would offer England another dimension". Hall went on to say that his mother was on the plane to of all places Portsmouth next weekend "I know Pompey are looking at my mum for next season, and she's pretty handy with her handbag if Sven wants to add a bit of punch to the England attack".


Anonymous said...

I suggest Mark Inglis to play up front for England even without his legs. He is also uniquely placed to deturmine which of his teammates if any are still barely alive

Anonymous said...

I think I invented the barely alive tag - but I can highly recommend bionic balls.