01 October 2006

Unlucky Break

Land Rovers Marketing Manager was the recipient of bad karma yesterday after laughing at Land Rovers midfielder Lance Edwards on Friday over his broken wrist. Within twenty-four hours Heather had broken her own wrist and now fully understands the meaning of "what goes around comes around". "I slipped over at the Gym" said Heather "and no I was not on the way back from the wine bar". Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he had never been in a gym but "they sounded like the kind of places one should avoid for the good of your health". Hall said the club might consider a gym ban if this sort of thing carried on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the Supporters Club is strapped for cash or we would be sending Heather to the Bahamas to rest and recover...and then home via New York for a little retail therapy...