19 August 2006

International Ban for Riddle

Chris Riddle was today banned from International air travel after authorites became concerned that the compounds on his scalp could be used by terrorists to blow up a plane. "This is a serious threat to aviation security" said a security official "if we let Chris on a plane then someone would just have to light a match in his vicintiy and who knows what could happen". Riddle was appealing the decision and said it was something of a shock as he'd only learnt this morning that he'd lost his hair. "Some security dude came up to me in the Mini-Bar and said I wasn't going anywhere with a head like that" said Riddle.

Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall said this sounded like another prank by Jordan Petersen, who was telling anyone who would listen that Riddle was out celebrating his sixtieth birthday. "It's only his legs that are sixty" said Hall "his head doesn't look a day over 55". Petersen is currently looking for a number of lost possessions including his cell phone, and asked people to contact him if they had information that would lead to th e return of the property.


Anonymous said...

I'll give him his cellphone now that I have his number!

Anonymous said...

Happy 60th Chris Riddle!

Anonymous said...

I heard Jordan Petersen wanted to lose his hair as well.