24 April 2006

Edwards Spots Fake Shiekh

Lance Edwards this afternoon identified a cunning plan to lure Rovers Manager Stephen Hall into a newspaper expose over the Smith sending off incident. "I sensed something was wrong when this guy gave me a card that said he was Ollama Sin Badden from Baarain FC" confessed Hall "but Lance spotted something was awry when his fake beard fell into his flat white". The quick identification of this social engineering ploy showed the benefits of the Rovers squad having done security training with local security firm Rudge and Associates. "Rudgey showed us things like how to fight off an assailant without spilling your cappuchino" confirmed Hall "as well as a fair smattering of countering the dark arts". Hall would not confirm the dark arts training included influencing referees with subliminal messages, but did acknowledge Charles Smith would be retaking the module in full later this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taht was unarmed combat with a latte I was teaching you guys - but I'll sort Smith out - Rudgey