30 December 2006

House Hunting

Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall said today that part of his mission in Dunedin was to look for a house that would confirm his status as a top line football manager. "I look around at my peers, the likes of Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho, and I don't see them living in the cramped quarters of my Wellington residence" protested Hall "so I had a look around and I found a suitable place out on the Otago Peninsula that should keep me in the style to which I will become accustomed". Hall said that he'd need a whip round of club players and supporters to be able to afford the residence as he was not quite earning the salary at present of Ferguson or Murinho. "We don't have the foreign backing yet of Chelsea or Manchester United" said Hall "so my salary isn't currently what it could be".


Anonymous said...

My Charlie will throw in a quid

Anonymous said...

I'm going to buy that building as a broom cupboard.