05 September 2006

Tributes Trickle In For Riddle

Tributes trickled in from the four corners of Shed 1 late yesterday after Chris "Jimmy" Riddle retired from playing for Land Rovers following his transfer to Auckland. "He was hard but unfair" said the AMP player who was clobbered by Riddle in his last match. The referees said they'd miss Riddle as they wouldn't be getting as much practice sending people off from now on. "Chris was an uncompromising player" said a spokesmen for Wellington Indoor Sports "and he wasn't too clever at avoiding detection for his retaliation". Rovers Manager Steve Hall said Riddle was infamous for his gammy leg which prevented him from achieving international honours. "You'd rather have him on your side than the other side" said Hall "but then he spent so much time on the sideline that we were never sure in the end whether he was on our side or not". Riddle is moving to Jafaland in the hope his leg will respond to the warmer climate.


Anonymous said...

I heard he was as tough as snails.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks like a mystic spoon bender - should fit in well in Auckland

Anonymous said...

Will he grow his hair for charity??

Anonymous said...

He'll be missed - by someone.

Anonymous said...

Wecome to Auckland - you'll need to drink a lot more latte from now on if you're going to fit in.